Reported in the English newspaper The Guardian, at least 35 people in Mexico have died as a result of drinking liquor adulterated with methanol.
If you have ditched the carbs and moved to a more protein rich diet, you could be more accepting of unfair behaviour than if you were still eating the starch.
So says a study published ahead of print on the website of the journal Nutrition, Metabolism & Cardiovascular Diseases.
Persistent organic pollutants (POPs) that build up in the environment, particularly the ocean, have chemical properties that also seem to help them accumulate in our bodies and slow degradation.
Another log has been added to the saturated vs unsaturated and omega 3, omega 6 ratio fire. And if the fiery debate was showing any signs of dying down this should certainly get it going again.
Apparently, if you are male and want to increase your life span, then pruntein, a phytoestrogen found in soy could be the ticket.
Interesting news reported on the website of the English newspaper the Guardian. It would seem that some restaurants in China have been using opium containing poppy seeds in their food, perhaps giving a whole new meaning to food you just can’t get enough of.
Campylobacter, the food poisoning bug that instils fear in the hearts of anyone unfortunate enough to have been infected with it is thankfully on the decrease in our supermarket chicken.
In a word, no. But the WHO has confirmed the link between processed meat consumption and an increased risk of bowel cancer. And it would seem that we are eating more than we should.
…..for diabetics is ok! Apparently. Yes, research published this month in the Annuals of Internal Medicine found that getting people suffering from type 2 diabetes to drink a moderate amount of alcohol in the form of red or white wine actually decreased their risk of heart attacks and strokes.