..but that’s not all, avenanthramide (AVE), a phenolic compound found only in oats could also be doing its part in protecting the heart.
That was the news from a scientific session at the 247th Annual Conference of the American Chemical Society in Dallas, TX entitled “Physicochemical Properties and Biological Functionality of Oats”.
Oats, apparently, are known to help lower total and LDL cholesterol and this is due to beta glutan, a type of soluble fibre. But participants at the conference said that the health benefits of oats goes beyond just the fibre.
Research presented during the session suggested that AVEs can “suppress production of inflammatory cytokines associated with fatty streak formation in the arteries” and “repress the process associated with the development of atherosclerosis”.
I am not sure if eating more flapjacks would give you these health benefits but perhaps adding a bit to that daily bowl of cereal or having porridge now and again may not be a bad idea.
Click here to read the in depth report from the Medical News Today website.