Not good news for those on the Atkins or low carb diets. It seems that eating spuds with your steak or other red meat offers some protection from the negative effects associated with eating red meat.
Reported in the journal Cancer Prevention Research, the researchers gave volunteers a diet high in red meat with or without butyrylated resistant starch, the thought-to-be protective component found in potato, cereals and green bananas.
The researchers were looking at the miRNA expression in rectal mucosa tissue of healthy volunteers with and without the butyrylated resistant starch supplementation.
They found that eating large amounts of red meat increased certain miRNA expression but that supplementation with the butyrylated resistant starch was able to reverse this increase in some (but not all) of the miRNA studied suggesting that it does offer some protection.
Cottage Pie for tea tonight then!
The paper is published in the journal Cancer Prevention Research