After the success of the war on salt in ready meals the offence continues against excess sugar. Which? magazine has tested the levels of sugar in ready meals, both big brands and shop own brands and have found some have double the recommended daily amount of sugar in them, as in, the whole day’s allowance in one meal.
Worst offenders were Sainsbury’s Sweet and Sour Chicken with Rice which contained just over 50g of sugar, and Tesco’s Everyday Value Sweet and Sour Chicken with Rice which contained 47.7g. The recommended daily allowance is 25g.
You may think that the name of the meals was a giveaway containing “sweet” but according to the article on the Which? website a ready meal of Thai Chicken Pad Thai with Rice Noodles was found to contain 37.8g of sugar.
Which? magazine hopes that this brings to light the amount of sugar in some processed foods and that the government has a responsibility to ask manufacturers to cut the calories in these foods as part of the government’s responsibility deal.
Click here to read the article on the Which? magazine website.