Daily avocado to keep LDL low

By 9. Januar 2015Blog, Health, Nutrition

Fans of guacamole rejoice! Eating an avocado a day could help to lower your LDL (bad) cholesterol.

Published in the Journal of the American Heart Association the paper describes how when people were fed either a low fat diet with no avocado, a medium fat diet with no avocado or a medium fat diet with avocado their amount of LDL cholesterol was decreased the most when avocado was included in the diet.

Although this research was funded by the Hass Avocado Board the authors state that that had no impact on their study.

Looks like the health benefits are avocados just keep coming, it is already described as an excellent source of fibre and some vitamins and we reported back in July how eating avocado with vitamin A helps your body to take up more of the vitamin.

If you haven’t tried avocado I highly recommend thinly sliced on some bread with a bit of seasoning.

Click here to read more (about the research, not my recipe ideas).