The objective of the audit was to verify, that official controls for poultry meat and poultry meat
products are carried out in compliance with EU legislation. The report concludes that there is a system of official controls on poultry meat and poultry meat
products, which includes regular and risk based controls. But there is room for improvement…
The report also found that implementation of the official control system varies between
counties and is only supervised to a limited extend by the Central Competent Authority. The system
is significantly compromised by a number of deficiencies, in particular by the FBOs’ limited
knowledge of EU legislation concerning HACCP, by the non-detection during official controls of
non-compliances in establishments, as well as by shortcomings in establishment approval
procedure, post-mortem inspection and laboratories.
The report includes a number of recommendations addressed to the Romanian Competent
Authority and aimed at rectifying the identified shortcomings and enhancing the control system in