The objective of the audit was to evaluate the control systems put in place in Portugal for general food hygiene, traceability, labelling, bottled water, food additives and food contact materials. Overall, three out of nine recommendations from the latter mission report have been adequately addressed.
Positive action has been taken to address the shortcomings relating to the analysis of Sudan dyes and natural mineral waters. The issues relating to the labelling of allergens has been clarified, these are checked as part of the monitoring programme. The policy for reporting of rapid alert system for food and feed notifications remains non-compliant. Recommendations related to the levels of implementation of hazard analysis critical control point
and good manufacturing practices remain open. There is still an absence of any convincing policy for official controls to be carried out regularly, on a risk basis and with appropriate frequency.
This is mainly due to the competent authorities not having access to a reliable source of information of all registered / licensed establishments. Work is in progress to enable all competent authorities to have access to each others registration / licensing data. The central competent authority is preparing legislation to clarify the designation of each CA.