Its back again, another study has been published detailing the enhanced learning and memory achieved in rats when fed phosphatidylserine, this time derived from krill.
Rats that were administered 100 mg of phosphatidylserine per kg of body rat performed significantly better escaping from a maze and in other brain function related tests compared to those given saline.
So what is phosphatidylserine? It is a phospholipid found in high amounts in the brain (a cow brain contains 713 mg/100g) where it contributes to cognitive functioning. It has therefore been studied as a possible supplement to help reduce the risk of cognitive dysfunction or dementia.
Numerous animal studies have shown a positive effect on memory of taking the supplement but so far the studies in humans have been labeled as “seriously flawed or limited in their reliability in one or more ways” by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). They have allowed labeling to state that products containing phosphatidylserine MAY reduce the risk of dementia or cognitive dysfunction.
For those of us not wanting to munch on cow brain it is present in high levels in chicken heart and mackerel or for those vegetarians among us it is also in soya.
Click here to read the abstract for the Krill Phosphatidylserine paper.